Management Envisioning Workshop kick-starts 4-year Capacity Building Project at the Indonesian Resilience Institute.

workshop LEMHANNAS Indonesia

Image: Kick-off workshop of the NUFFIC project “Capacity building in international Topics in Education & Studies at Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional RI (LEMHANNAS).

Under the umbrella of MDF, Maarten Smit of GMBS will assist in the facilitation of the performance enhancement trajectory at Indonesian Resilience Institute LEMHANNAS. This Nuffic funded four-year project is undertaken by MDF Training & Consultancy as lead firm, together with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies – Jakarta and Centre for International Cooperation, University Amsterdam (VU-CIS).

The specific project objective is to enhance the management and implementing capacity of LEMHANNAS RI to deliver gender-sensitive and relevant Education, Training and Research responding to the requirements and changing needs of policy and decision makers.

Activities include amongst other developing a client satisfaction and management performance index, introducing and/or improving nine international educational disciplines, improving research and reporting skills and the ability to develop curricula, improving information and knowledge management systems, and the development of different manuals.

>> LEMHANNAS RI is a politically important institute which trains (future) high level national cadre for Indonesia. The highly prestigious institute, which started off as the National Defence Institute in 1964, now directly reports to The President of The Republic of Indonesia. The institute offers degree and non degree training in collaboration with Indonesian universities.

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